Use every opportunity to preach the gospel

Miskir | ምስክር Screenshot
Miskir | ምስክር Screenshot
Miskir | ምስክር Screenshot
Miskir | ምስክር Screenshot
1.0.0 ( 4 )
Mar 27, 2023
Miskir application is an Ethiopian gospel conversation starters app which give you a great way to tell your friends, families or anyone about Jesus Christ or Salvation or turn any opportunity in to evangelism. The application provides over 12+ scenarios & unique Amharic biblical conversation starters or examples in which you can choose as you fit, tips for having a great conversation and an easy to use user interface.
The idea of the application comes from Paul's visit in the Athens, where he uses their idol for the "Unkown God" as a way to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ

"ስለዚህ ጳውሎስ በአርዮስፋጎስ በተሰበሰበው ሕዝብ መካከል ቆሞ እንዲህ አለ፤ “የአቴና ሰዎች ሆይ፤ በማናቸውም ረገድ፣ በጣም ሃይማኖተኞች መሆናችሁን አያለሁ፤ 23እየተዘዋወርሁ ሳለሁ፣ የምታመልኳቸውን ነገሮች ስመለከት፣ ‘ለማይታወቅ አምላክ’ የሚል ጽሑፍ ያለበት አንድ መሠዊያ አይቻለሁና፤ እንግዲህ ይህን ሳታውቁ የምታመልኩትን እገልጽላችኋለሁ።" ሐዋ 17:23

As we clearly see in this verse Paul was in a situation where a lot of unbelievers are crowding & he uses their worship for the "Unkown God" as a stumble stone for his message. This is what this Misikir Application will do. It will relate the surrounding to a short Amharic gospel conversation starters

Save your progress , learn and share others testimony is also included in to the application.

The application is developed & maintained by Antsokiya Movement in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.